
How we got our name “Singing River Artesian Water.”

American music just may have been born in the Appalachian foothills of North Alabama, where
Native Americans from Cherokee, Chickasaw, Shawnee, Creek and Yuchi settlements dating
back thousands of years called the Tennessee River, “The Singing River.”

The legend was born in an early description of the mussel­lined river banks. The Yuchi tribe
believed the flowing water sounded like a woman, a Yuchi princess singing for her lover…sweetly
when it was calm, but loud and angry when the water raged past rocks and rushed down
stream. Today, the spirit of the singing woman lives on in the rich and diverse creative
community that calls the Shoals home. In tribute to the area’s rich Native American heritage as
well as Muscle Shoals’ amazing past and present musical legacy, in 2010 the Alabama
legislature named the new bridge down river from the Wilson Dam, “The Singing River Bridge.”

Singing River Artesian Water has been protected in an underground aquifer in Lauderdale
County since the Native Americans called the Shoals home. We are honored to be able to share
with you a part of our heritage.

$27.99 for 14 waters, with free shipping, PREMIUM artesian water delivered to your door for less
than the cost of the imported waters offered at your local market. We hope you enjoy it as much
as our family does.

Call 256-366-9059 for more information.

Buy our water:

A case of (14) 16oz bottles for $28 and free shipping